Friday, March 27, 2009

Being a "Perfect" Mother

I saw this today at Barnes and Noble and just had to get it. I have their other two books, and I'm sure this is going to be just as good. It has recipes in it, plus rules for being a good Southern Mother.
Example: Always wear nice underwear - you may be killed in a car wreck, and you don't want the EMS workers to take one look at your poor dead little body and say, Well, she certainly wasn't a lady." That would be a fate worse than death.
Of course, I'm trying to be the perfect Northern mother, with lots of Southern tendencies. Today, my 4 year old said, "Mama, look at that car, that's just tacky!" And it was! My heart swelled with pride, as I wiped away a tear. The boy is learning!

1 comment:

  1. Well I am New England (and Manhattan-bred) through and through but I still tell my daughter to stop slouching and suck in her gut! (She can let it all hang out at home! LOL) My boys travelled with their navy blazers but prefered to go commando... what would they have thought had our plane crashed?!!!!
