I am in what is called the "sandwich generation". Meaning I have aging parents and young children at the same time. I have spent the majority of the week being with my mother, who is in the hospital. Dealing with low
potassium and sodium levels,
anemia, and dementia. She doesn't know the year, can't be trusted to take her
meds, and lies to the doctor about how much she drinks. My father has some what relinquished responsibility for her, yet gets mad when the doctors direct their comments toward me. He did throw in this week that he has stopped taking his medication also. He doesn't have memory problems, he's doing that on purpose. (I think to push me over the edge!) My mom entering the hospital started a few nights ago when I received a call from their clinic, where she had lab work done earlier that day. The results were alarming, and she needed to be hospitalized
immediately, but they couldn't reach my parents. I tried calling them, and it just rang and rang. I got dressed, jumped in the car, and spent the drive to their home calling them on my cell. No answer. I get there, pound on the door, explain why I'm there, and send them to get dressed. I checked the phone and got a dial tone. I called their number and it rang. So, their phone was working, but they couldn't hear it? My dad thinks the clinic and I were calling the wrong number. (Ah, yeah Dad, my childhood phone number I have suddenly forgotten, I don't think so.) Dad's not walking well, and won't discuss it. I find out in the hospital Mom had hurt her toe, of course she doesn't know when or how. It was
exhausting. And then I leave that
chaos to pick up my children, and deal with homework,
owies, and laundry/dinner/baths/ and missing teeth. My boys are much easier to deal with then Mom and Dad. They are like teenagers, who think they are old enough to handle responsibility, but you know they aren't. I am tired. I want someone to take care of me. I want to go back to being a child, when the world was easier.